Tuesday 3 June 2014


Mongozo - Pilsner

Mongozo, a African word that means cheers in the  Chokwe language. The brewery focuses on exotic flavors such as coconut and banana in their beers. Based in Belgium they import their beers all over the world, from the USA to Australia. 

The Mongozo premium pilsner is the winner of multiple converted beer awards, such as  coming first in the Worlds Best Beer Awards.Its also fair trade and brewed with organic ingredients.

Upon opening the bottle there was little to no aroma, the taste however initally made up for that with a sharp kick. The after taste had bitter maltiness going for it. However like the other lagers/Pilsners mentioned before its rather watery and a bit light on flavour. Its a shame because the initial flavor had something going for it. Still, as beers go its by no means the worst beer in the world.

Alc: 5%

Ingredients: Water, Barley malt, rice , yeast, hops.

My rating: 5/10

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The Gluten Free Beer Blog

Hello there and welcome to my humble blog where I try and help fellow celiac's and people wishing for a little less gluten in there lives to find a damn nice beer to drink.

The general idea behind this blog is to share my opinion of what i think is either a good value or just a good tasting gluten free beer. While I am by no means an expert in the field of beer i have tasted many of the common and less common beers out there and i believe i can give a reasonable assumption of something that at least looks and tastes like beer. This may sound a bit preachy and readers may find them selves thinking, "well how bad could gluten free beer be". Well to put it simply, .......bad.

I must stress though that my short little reviews are just my opinion, everyone has different tastes and likes different types of beer. My main hope is to enlighten some people to the wide variety of choice that is out there for those either stuck with or interested in a gluten free diet.