Wednesday 11 June 2014

Is Gluten Free Beer Really Gluten Free?

Is gluten free beer really gluten free? well technically no, the content is however so low that many celiacs can tolerate it. However there are  those who cant tolerate even the smallest amount of barley and barley malt, the latter being in most gluten free beer.

This is more of a concern if you have a sensitivity and bad reaction to even the most light in gluten content foods and drinks. I count myself lucky in that while i am a celiac i only have a bad reaction when tasting things such as bread and most wheat based products. Of course i am no doctor or dietitian but i do advise that if you've had bad reactions to gluten or barley in the past that you either consult your GP/ Dietitian or avoid the risk of further health complications. 

Personally i have talked with doctors on the subject of Celiac disease and while i have been told that severe reactions are rare their is still the danger of having an intolerance to more then just gluten. 

This isn't me handing out ticking clocks or don't eat this don't eat that!!!.  Eat and drink what you want just be careful if you think you maybe intolerant schedule an appointment with your doctor and get yourself checked, if you've been drinking gluten free beers and find your having stomach or other internal issues talk to your doctor. Again its rare to have such severe intolerance but it does happen. 

Lastly, Ive recently tasted some American Omission Gluten free beers!!! and most of Greens Gluten free beers! so i will be posting their reviews very soon. Forgive my slackness, i recently went to Ireland and found a host of gluten free shops and bars so stay tuned for my little guide to Dublin!!!

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The Gluten Free Beer Blog

Hello there and welcome to my humble blog where I try and help fellow celiac's and people wishing for a little less gluten in there lives to find a damn nice beer to drink.

The general idea behind this blog is to share my opinion of what i think is either a good value or just a good tasting gluten free beer. While I am by no means an expert in the field of beer i have tasted many of the common and less common beers out there and i believe i can give a reasonable assumption of something that at least looks and tastes like beer. This may sound a bit preachy and readers may find them selves thinking, "well how bad could gluten free beer be". Well to put it simply, .......bad.

I must stress though that my short little reviews are just my opinion, everyone has different tastes and likes different types of beer. My main hope is to enlighten some people to the wide variety of choice that is out there for those either stuck with or interested in a gluten free diet.